Thursday, January 21, 2010

Meet Wanda

I am participating in a lovely swap with some wonderful ladies I've met through a forum I am on. It is a travelling swap, we have all gifted one item to make a big treasure chest of loveliness. The gifts will be an assortment of handmade, purchased and everything in between.

For this swap we decided to have a mascot. Our original mascot was not able to me made due to some unfortunate circumstances, so I said I would do it. It was a bit of a rush and a wee bit of a panic to get this mascot finished, but I made it just in time. She is not made from a pattern, and just evolved as I went.

I would like to introduce you to Wanda

She was posted off to her first destination on Tuesday and is about to set off on a big adventure throughout New Zealand. Part of our swap 'rules' is that when you receive the box, you are to take Wanda on a wee adventure. It could be around your property, or it could be sightseeing in your local area. Photo's are too be taken and shared with the rest of the participants of the swap, so we can see where she has been.

I'm so very excited about this swap and can not wait to see where Wanda ends up.



PaisleyJade said...

Wanda is very cute!!

Hannah said...

oh lovely, sounds like a cool swap.....

Miss Smith said...

That's one mighty cool mascot. I love the swap idea, it sounds like a great adventure for everybody!