Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bloggy Goodness

I spent a good chunk of yesterday sitting on my rump and feeling sorry for myself. I'm achy, have a splitting headache and feel like poo. I haven't been sick for a very long time and I don't plan on getting sick so I chilled out, stayed indoors. Drunk ALOT of herbal teas and am sending get well vibes to myself LOL and I must admit that I do feel a wee bit better today.

Anyway because I have been sitting on my rump a fair bit, I've spent a huge chunk of that time checking out blogs, catching up and getting all inspired by so many things.

In my complete state of grot, I was still able to drool over these recipes on Moment to Moments blog. I mean seriously where can I get some of that soft ginger immediately, and look how the kids wrapped the sweets, how cool would that be.

My next find, well not really a find as I knew it was coming but thought I should mention it here. A friend of mine has started her own yarn dyeing business. I know first hand how beautiful Hannah's yarn dyeing is, so go check out her blog Red Riding Hood Yarns. She will be stocking new yarns each week so make sure you check her blog regularly so you don't miss out.

A couple of weeks ago I found another great blog - Joyce Lives Here has some really beautiful craft projects and check these out:

Go check out her blog, it's full of great crochet projects

Another great crochet site I was checking out yesterday is Crochet With Raymond, it's so beautiful and very inspiring.

This morning when I turned the computer on to finish this post, I saw this from Attic 24

Most of you will probably already know Lucy's blog, but if you don't go check it out to see how she made the fabulous wee dolls. I love her blog, it's so colourful and she has the coolest projects. I have spent many hours admiring it.

That's it for now, just a few things I felt the need to share.



Big Red said...

thanks for pimping me out Jo!
And so funny, i have featured both those chair covers AND crochet wiht raymond on my blog in the past couple of weeks hehehehehehe we have SUCH similar taste ;)

nicole said...

i hope you're feeling much less like poo soon!
get well!