Friday, March 26, 2010

The Coolest Pants Ever!

Cara was very very lucky to receive these amazing and very cool pants from Kelly over at Reclaiming Me.

Cara has literally lived in them since she received them a couple of weeks ago and has received so many nice comments from everyone. They have also made me start calling into op shops again. I have found a couple of funky pillowcases to make some PJ pants out of, but sadly nothing else. Never fear, I will call in on a more regular basis now :)

Another bonus is that they should be long enough for her to wear over next summer too :)- Yay

Bye for now



A Life Less Complicated said...

aww she's so cute! I'm glad she likes them.

That's the thing about op shops - you have to go regularly because the stock goes out as quick as it comes in. Good luck on finding more vintage sheets etc - you'll have to get there before I do! hehe

Sally said...

They're brilliant. She looks so super cute!!! What an awesome smile.

BTW - love the look of the blog. Very cool.