Well I never thought I would but I am constantly finding myself running out of time and stressing myself out, so I made the decision to put my Miss C into care for one morning a week so I can get some sewing done and start making some pocket money.
Today was her first day, I was a bag of mixed emotions, she was a real trooper. Thankfully the lovely lady who is looking after her is a friend of mine so Cara already knew her, her son and the house. I drove there this morning wondering what on earth would happen but she was so so brave and lasted 2 1/2 hours before she started getting upset. Not bad for the first time that someone else has looked after her. She was very emotional when I picked her up though, there were lots of tears and she was very cuddly.
I on the other hand went op shopping because I hadn't made any plans to get some work done today just in case Miss C wanted to come home :). I am super happy with my finds.
A beautiful double sheet, picnic basket and a few pillow slips. No the book wasn't from the op shops, but I did get to go to the library and actually sit and browse through the books :)
Close up of sheet
Picnic Basket, this is destined to be relined and made into a craft box. Little Miss can have the plates etc for her playhouse when the man of the house gets around to it.
Today was a once off, next week I need to get cracking and start making my Interchangeable Needle Cases etc for sale but today was a blast and fingers crossed for next week.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
Good on you for taking a step for yourself and putting your little girl into childcare! I did the same thing with Miss G last year at the ripe ol age of 2 as I had just had my second and wasnt coping well. I had her in 1 day a week as you do and found that she became more independant, less clingy, more confident and way more talkative. Its great that you've found a place that you're comfortable with and that you get time to yourself! It will make for a really happy mummy and a really happy little girl :)
By the way, Ive got teh exact same picnic basket. Its been a trusty picnic companion for years! Sof
I know where you've been ;)
I never had to put Elijah into care although many a time I wanted to! Now he's at kindy 9 hours a week and I'm thinking he might like another day in care. I remember seeing one of your friends on here with a childcare post - I meant to come back but never did! Do you think she has space for a 3 year old for a few hours?
Sounds like she did well. Holly hated it when I did the same thing so I ended up flagging it after 4 weeks, back to no me time (sigh). Love the sheet BTW.
Yeah for you! Mummies need Mummy time too - I've had to do it before (twice = first Mr then Miss!)
Isn't it awful when we run out of time for our hobbies LOL!
Looking forward to seeing what you make with that gorgeous sheet!
It'll be great for both of you once she settles down :-) Good for you for doing this! xx
hi joy,
i think every mama needs some 'me' time. it makes us better mamas when we're happy ourselves, and we not just mamas, we're also women.
I cried for an hour the first time I put my kids in daycare.....they ran off and played, didn't care!
Well done for taking the plunge with the daycare so you can have a bit of time for yourself to do whatever you want!
how great are those sheets! I went op shopping the first time my son went to occasional care. It is still up there on my favourite things to do on my child free days xx
Those picnic baskets make the best craft hampers!
She was sooo good, such a trooper. Looking forward to this Friday, we'll do some painting, go on a Nature walk and do some baking if we have time.
Hope you had a good weekend :-)
Nice finds. I couldn't agree more. I loathe op shopping with my little one unless I am armed with snacks and entertainment. It's just not as fun. You can't take your time. Whenever I have a spare moment to myself it's the first thing on my to do list. xo m.
I hope the care is still working out and you are sewing up a storm , love the sheet !
Love love love that sheet!!!
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