Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Creative Space 6th May 2010

I have wanted to make a crochet blanket since I first taught myself to crochet in July 2008, but as with all good things, they take time and dedication.

Well the weekend just gone I went on a weekend crafting retreat (will post more about this later today) and I found some time between laughing, eating and showing others how to do stuff to make my first crochet hexagon. It worked! Yay for me LOL

So I came home on Sunday and decided that this week I would do nothing but crochet, so far so good (who said housework needed to be done regulary) hehe. This is what I had made as of yesterday afternoon.

I've added a few more hexagons since then, so now my knees are nice and warm while I am working on it. In theory as they days get colder, my blankie will get bigger so more of me will me warm. God I'm a dork LOL

I'm following Lucy's fabulous tutorial over at Attic 24. Check out the rest of her blog while you are there, it is stunning.

If you want to see what other crafty lovelies have been up to, head on over to Kirsty's for a peek.


Unknown said...

Looking good! I have a half finished hexagon blanket somewhere haha..

Leonie Guld said...

This Blanket is going to be delicious!!! I have just been catching up on your blog. Your partners paintings are a SPIN What do you mean...his THIRD. How do you get that much depth on your third, I thought that took years!!!! oh..RIP Dad xx

Kellie Christie said...

WOW your little blankie is looking beautiful so far. Good luck with the rest of it.

june at noon said...

I love hexagon blankets! I keep meaning to start work on one.... I too look forward to when the blankets grow big enough to keep me warm as I work on them. :)

Chasing Purple Dreams said...

Good on you for getting your priorities right! The housework will always be there needing to be done – but it brings such short term satisfaction. This beautiful blanket will be part of the rest of your life and will bring you so much joy. It’s looking fabulous already.

Megan said...

oh to go on a crafting retreat-sounds awesome! your blanket looks lovely, crochet is on my list of skills to learn, so far I can only chain stitch!

Kylie said...

Ahh house work can wait - As you have already seen I have been hooking and oh am I hooked:)

Thinking a blanket for us as well - both the kids need new ones so mighthave to make a start on that soon.

And a crafty weekend away - sounds like a great idea - I am certain you had fun.

Kate said...

Ugh housework hink of how much crafting we could acomplish if there was no housework. Your blanket is looking fab!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the colours- they look splendid. Hope you continue to be inspired to crochet crochet crochet! xo m.

Sarah. Splish Splash Designs said...

It's beautiful!! The colours look great :)

Sally said...

Gorgeous Jo. The beginnings of your blanket look utterly gorgeous.

My Handmadehappiness said...

hi there your love your blanket so lovely it's going so well... hope your doing OK... thinking of you.... if you are doing this months challenge I've go some zipper tutorials on my blog x

Jo said...

We have the same name :) Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier!! I only recently picked up crocheting, i have to say I'm in love!!! Can't let go of that hook!:P
I can't wait till your blanket is finished, love the colours so far!

Kylie said...

It's looking fantastic! I love Attic 24 too. :) K

humel said...

Hi Jo, lovely to hear from you - I've been thinking of you xx

Your blanket looks fab! I keep meaning to try crochet. One day I actually will!

PS What's housework? ;-)

emerson-j said...

ohh love it!! am teaching myself to knit and sew, have been hinting at mother in law to teach me crocheting but will have to teach myself. you are very clever!! i dont do housework anymore know that ive found blogs. cheers emerson-j:)

SewSofie said...

Hi Jo
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Its so lovely to get feedback from your peers. Ive had a look through your blog and am loving all the items you made for your market stall. I hope the next one is alittle busier as im sure people will snap up the loveliness of your items.

Brenda said...

I tried to make one of them once....and that's was the end of that! Your's however is growing beautifully....well done!

Fruitful Fusion said...

They're looking great so far!!! Can't wait to see the finished blanket!!!

Caroline said...

The colours in your blanket are really gorgeous, you are doing a lovely job with it - keep going!