Monday, September 6, 2010

Play Kitchens

I think I may have become a wee bit obsessed with making Cara a play kitchen. She was given a plastic one which is a 'hand me down' from 3 kids, and while we are really grateful and she loves it. It's days are numbered.

On a forum I'm on someone mentioned making your own play kitchen, well that was it and I have been obsessed with it for the last week.

There is even a whole group on Flickr dedicated to this. Check out some of these amazing kitchens

1. New Bowl, 2. Ikea hack play kitchen, 3. Thrifted goodies for the kitchen, 4. 100_7970, 5. Claire's Nightstand Play Kitchen, 6. a little kitchen

I must have really fluked things last week because I looked on Trade Me and found these:

We picked up both pieces for under $20 and I am stoked. Cara has played with the cabinet all weekend since we picked it up. I will keep my blog updated with progress pics as we work on it. Will have it done by Christmas.

So, has anyone make a play kitchen, if you have feel free to link to your blog in the comments section as I would love to see them.


softearthart said...

There is nothing like, making it yourself, cheers Marie

A Life Less Complicated said...

seek and ye shall find - isn't that how it goes?

Plastic kitchens are fine but wood is even better - can't wait to see what you come up with

Cat said...

Ahhhhh Mama you and I must telepathically communicate re pressies for our girls LOL
A play kitchen is on my list of 'to do's' for Moo for Christmas!
I think I need to send you shopping tho coz I just can't get inspired to do anything at the moment ;'(

Mika said...

Awesome bargin!
It reminded me about one of the "5 Great Finds" I featured a while ago. On Marta Writes, they did a post on "how to build a kitchen playset" and showed how someone used an old tv stand to make a play kitchen.

Here is the link:

Can't wait to see your updated photos! All the best!

Kylie said...

Oh have fun - a friend just made one too.

Check hers out here

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Leonie said...

wow! those cabinets are just perfect!
My daughter has a wooden play kitchen which all three kids play with nearly every day. We bought it from Big W and it cost about $180!!
After seeing all the clever ones in bloggy world I wish we'd made our own. I did create a new curtain for it (when some unknown mysterious person pulled a door off!).
Cant wait to see the transformation!

humel said...

Just catching up - loving your hair accessories from a couple of posts back! And I'm a big fan of wooden play kitchens, we were lucky enough to be given a set of 4 wooden cabinets (one cooker, one sink and 2 cupboards) when The Girl was small. We passed them on to a local toddler group when she outgrew them :-)

Nicole said...

I Found you on the Blog Hop over at A Beautiful Life. Very cool. I love what you do and the bows on a few entries down are great!

hanna said...

oh yes, me too. I've been dreaming of a special handmade wooden one, but really am I ever going to spend so much on a present!no. So I'm going to try my hand at making one too. Love to see what you end up doing. - Just found your blog because of the waldorf doll sew along - something else I REALLY want to do.