Friday, December 17, 2010

Playsilks Galore!

I have wanted playsilks for Cara for a very very long time. I'm a bit of a scrouge though and didn't want to pay $20 per silk so started researching dyeing them myself. There are a number of blogs with instructions on how to do this, so last month I finally ordered some un-dyed silk scarves and got to dyeing them this morning.

This is what my clothes line looks like at the moment.

This was so much fun and I can't wait for Cara to see them on Christmas Day.

You may notice that there are two of each, well one set was a custom order from a friend so they will be winging their way down the line next week.

I will actually use Cara's ones to wrap her other presents in, and hopefully I will be able to make a felt crown or something similar to use with her new silks.

Oooooooooooooooh I can't wait!


softearthart said...

Hi, Where did you get your plain silks from, they look lovely, cheers Marie

Seaside Siblings said...

They looks great! She is gonna love them. We have coloured muslin's because like you, I think the silks are way too expensive.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Those will be wonderful presents. Nice work :)

Sweetp said...

Lovely! What a gorgeous rainbow. Hanging out the washing would be a fun job if it looked that pretty!