Monday, March 22, 2010

My First Market.....

...was a flop :(

The primary school across the road had a big sport event on. It was for all the schools in West Auckland so by 9:30am there was no parking for miles. How do I know this? Lovely friends who were coming to support us told us this because they could not find a park anywhere. I was so incredibly bummed, but will try again next month.

I spoke to a number of the stall holders that were there and they all mentioned how incredibly quite it was. One of the ladies hadn't made any sales at all and said that a normal quite day for her was about $100 so I'm guessing that it was extremely quite. Also 1/2 the stall holders did not turn up.

The ones that did though gave me ideas for setting up my table. I didn't really have time to think about this so will work on this for the next one. Will also try and get more stock made.

Here are some photo's though of what I did have:

Fingers crossed for next time.



humel said...

It all looks so lovely, I'm so sorry it didn't do as well as it deserved xx What bad luck! Don't let it put you off, you really do have some gorgeous goodies there :-)

Natalie said...

Im sorry that it didnt go as well as planned, fingers crossed that it is much better next time though :D

sewfunky said...

Craft markets really come into their own around October/November - busy for christmas!! :)

Still, use this time to perfect how your table looks. I think what you're selling is awesome.

Also, think about doing other markets - I do Crafternoon Tea and whilst I didn't make much moolah on Saturday I made enough to cover the table plus a little extra - whew!

Think about why you want to do a market - if it's to make a lot of dosh then maybe it isn't the right thing for you?! For the amount of effort involved, I don't know many people who make heaps, but if you consider it a fun day out, away from the kids, meeting fun/new people - it's worth it!

Widge said...

your creations are wicked! I love some of the fabrics that you use. the bunny rattles are adorable. better luck next time!!!!!

Knew2Knit said...

Wow you must've been really busy the last few weeks Jo! Your stuff is fantastic. Let me know the date of the next one and I might try to pop out :)

Seaside Siblings said...

I love the stuff you are making- very talented!

Lou's Mum said...

those bunnies are gorgeous! better luck with the next one. Hopefully there won't be a clash of events next time.

Julia said...

I think that looks amazing Jo! Wow you must've been pulling some all-nighters to get that together - but it all looks like beautiful quality

Hannah said...

GORGEOUS stuff jo!!!!!
Sorry your first expereince wasnt a good one. I knwo how you feel! the first market i did i sold ONE $10 canvas, and it was to the mayor, just so she could have a photo op for the paper :(

Becky said...

Wow those rabbit rattles are so cool!! What a great idea.

Kylie said...

Shame aboutyour first market - dust yourself off and try again.

A friend of mine wrote a great blog post a while back - check it out - will give you some great ideas.

Sally said...

How disappointing for you. I think your table looks great and I certainly love your mechandise. Absolutely beautiful Jo.
I am so encourage to read that you're going to give it another go. Good on you.

Miss Smith said...

Bummer! The stuff on your stall looks gorgeous, don't lose heart!

Heart Felt said...

What a shame, better times for the future. Your stall looked wonderful. xx

Gilly said...

Oh what a shame - the next one will be awesome!

Unknown said...

I love your goods ! I definetly would have bought from you ! Hope it's busier next time .

clare said...

I'm sure next time the customers will be lining up, especially love the bunnys and the crayon rolls x