Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Creative Space 1st April 2010

Well I'm following on from last week and have a number of projects on the go again.

This time the wee fishes are finished, fishing rods have been painted, just need to add the line and magnet and I'm all done. Oh poop, I just remembered I forget to get blue fabric from spotty today to make the ocean out of, oh and a wee basket, bugger, bugger, bugger.

I also started a Hobby Horse for Miss C last night, but didn't fancy going down to the garage at 10pm to screw the sock onto the broom handle so this will be done today. I forgot to take a photo of what it looks like at the moment, but will update in a couple of days with the finished horse. Because I was stuck and in a creative mood I started a Easter Bunny for Miss C. I drafted the pattern and cut it out. I hope it works out, I only had a fat 1/4 of each of these fabrics so buggered if my pattern sucks (the arms, legs and ears and inside out so the fabric looks poo). I think it is looking good so far, but we shall see later today.

Miss C and I also did some baking this morning, here is the recipe, it's super easy.

Cream 100gm butter and 1 cup of sugar. Mix in 1 egg and 1 tsp vanilla essence.

Add 1 1/2 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder and a big handful of choc chips or sultanas.

Mix everything together.

The mix might be a bit dry depending on the size of the egg. I just squish everything together by hand and it will feel like cookie dough.

Put spoonfuls onto a baking try and squash with a fork.

Bake for approx 12 - 15 mins at 190C. Sorry I can't actually remember the time they take to cook, I just check them as I faff about the kitchen and when they are going brown on top, take them out. Do you like my style of baking? LOL

I cracked up when I uploaded this pic, notice the bikkie on the bottom left hand corner, there are a couple of cheeky bites taken out of it haha.

For more inspiration go check out Kirsty's blog where you will find lots of other crafty peeps


Krissie said...

How cute does that bunny look? Can't wait to see the finished product. Also love the fishing idea, might have to do something similar for Morgans birthday :)

edward and lilly said...

I love the fish, they are so cute, what a great idea!

Sally said...

Oh I do love your fishes! So beautiful.
... can't wait to catch a glimpse of the hobby horse. How cool!

Snooze said...

it's so nice to see the fish finished ... they look gorgeous.
My Creative Space

Tania said...

Hold on to your hat, it's a veritable creative whirlwind around your place! Loving everything. There's no way that bunny is going to look like poo. Sheesh.

Tricia (Little eco footprints) said...

You have been busy! I love those fishing rods!

Claire said...

Yum I might have to try those biscuits with the kids.....and I really love the fishing rods - I think i might try something like this for my little mans birthday - he would love it.